Saturday, March 17, 2007

*Phew..* Finally the weekend....auw hell I'm bored

Well it's finally the weekend that I've been looking forward to since Monday and guess what, I'm bored out of my mind.......

So to ease this boredom of mine, I decide to browse through Youtube...GASP!!! Yan is not playing game..THE HORROR!!!......Yeah, yeah, ya guys who know me long enough will surely have this reaction.

Anyway I found some Weird Al Yankovic's music clip. It have been ages since I've heard this guy songs. And funny enough they still crack me up......then again I'm always easily amused.

So I just wanna share a few of the clips here. If ya guys like them go to Youtube, there are several floating around and if ya guys are generous go and buy his CDs so he can afford another gold plated Humvee or a diamond studded swimming pool.

Erm if ya wondering what the heck I'm talking about then just listen to his song "Don't Download This Song"

P.S.: This week is hell at work
P.S.S.: 300 rawk!
Spartan! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight we dine IN HELL!!

P.S.S.S.: My friend finally completed his comic...the lazy fella. Strangely I'm looking forward to it. What's it about? Let's say it's a twist in a familiar tale.

Ciao guys till the next update....which will be the next time I'm bored and not feeling lazy.

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