Sunday, November 23, 2008

AFA08 Weekend

I just came back from AFA08 and man I'm totally worn out. It's been an exhausting 2 days. Both my fren's wedding and AFA08 is on the same weekend. I'm hanging out at his place on Sat and his wedding on Sun and also attending AFA08.

I've got some pictures I'll post them up tomorrow since I don't know where my sis kept the camera USB cable and she's on night shift tonight.

May'N concert really rawk. I had intended to video the concert and I had found myself a nice corner with a good view when the MC announced that May'N requested that we don't record or take any pictures during the concert.......well there's a possibility that the 'request' might have come from the media or company...but hey I'm a baka good boy so I'll took the announcement with a lil' salt and put away my video camera. Although like typical Singaporean a few of the people do ignore the announcement. Like the good ol' mantra goes,"Do anything don't get caught."

Anyway look forward to some of the pic tomorrow. Don't expect much though, I've never been a good photographer.