Friday, August 31, 2007

Filler Post being done randomly

Wow I realised that I have almost completely ignored my blog for the whole of August...

*Sayang Bloggie...don't merajuk please*

Anyway I was a lil'...erm how you say....caught up with the Xedo saga....Well kinda a long story so I won't repeat it here, if you want to know more read the articles in our local paper and their a bit lop-sided reporting, in my point of view, or your you more net savvy people surf around and you'll see the real reason behind this lil' brouhahaha that Xedo managed to cook up. Oh do read Dark Mirage blog, his blog entries regard this issue is pretty level-headed......What you guys expect me to provide you guys with the link? Go google, there's only enough room for a lazy slob in this blog. XD

To sum it up, this issue is a matter of legal vs ethical. And at this point of time it seems like Legal is winning over Ethical. Sadded....

This lil' "Saga" teach me one thing. It's safer to download p0rn and hentai compare to anime. Yes you kiddies don't Download Anime or you will get a 3k-5k love letter from Xedo just like that 9 year old kid. You download p0rn and hentai instead. You get to learn about the human anatomy as a bonus. XD

Given the choice of buying crappy, legal local product vs good quality,"illegal" free gift, I decided to go Rogue and buy good quality, oversea product instead.....nah actually I was looking for .Hack://G.U. Vol 2 and all the game shop in this Red Dot seem to have sold out...Well actually the website I go to isn't any better but I did get a few games that's no longer available in our local game shop.

Found this online shop don't think dirty, there's no adult stuff there. Order Atelier Iris 3 : Grand Phantasm and Pre-Ordered Persona 3 : Special Edition.

Not bad my order got process pretty quickly and in case of Persona 3 it got ship out once it was released. Shipping took about a week, the company is based in Hong Kong if i'm not wrong and shipping to Singapore is Free is it's below US$100, below certain weight and if you choose airmail.

Their product line is not limited to Games only, they do have toys and figurines and movie DVDs too. Do check them out if you want too. The link is at the side bar.

I order The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Special Edition DVD(R1) from YesAsia. But since I haven't receive the goods yet I leave my comments till later.

....This filler post is starting to sound like a commercial..

Anyway till the next post which will happen in n+1 days time, where n is a random number assign by Yan's capracious mood.



Ameliah Basir said...

hola babe

hmm wad happened? u got into trouble ker? havent been reading the papers ever since i left NUH haha...i mean on a daily basis la...

hope ur doing fine there! take care

Yan said...

Nope not yet even if I do I prolly juz _|_ them *grin*

But I think I getting a lil' hook on online shopping...sooooo easy, click buy, enter my card number, click confirm and done......hmmmm i'm too lazy to go out shopping and yet i happily shopping online....I suddenly feel like someone chop a big fat "GEEK" on my forehead.. XD

Yeah I'm fine, I hope you mean at home and not work....ok lah work oso fine as long as I stay 5 meter away from those annoying...i mean pleasant patient...XD

Yan said...

Oh yeah read more paper done dream about your mimi 24/7 *grin*

Yan said...

.....o.o" typo...i mean don't

Ameliah Basir said...

hey yan..
FYI i do read the papers PRN still okay...haha!

btw my cards will be distributed during raya....ill drop by soonest to see how u guys doing there....hmmm i guess its still all the same with "mama and papa" of R2...huh?

aightz u take care stay outta shopping is noce though...i juz bought like 3 bags from a taiwan website...muahaha!! crazee...

c ya soon....slamat berpuasa!