Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bang bang, she shot me down. Auw shuck....that's 2 life down...come on it's 1 token per continue kay....dun waste it....

Name one person who made you smile last night.
erm.....who ah...erm...ah!!....*sigh* no one

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
At 8am? thinking "F*** 8am....meeting at 8.30..let me sleep for 5 more mins zzzz"

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Watching Yakitate Japan......feel like eating bread....*drool...*

What was something that happened to you in 2006?
Huh? it's 2007 already? or 2008....erm where's the calender?

What is the last thing you said aloud?
DIE YOU PARANID SCUM, EAT HOT PLASMA DEATH!!! eh? what's that annoying beeping? Huh? Oh shyte missiles......o.o"....or something to that effect.

How many different things did you drink today?
1 Kopi kau om, 1 lemon tea noon , 1 red bull oe and 1 teh-O on.

What color is your hairbrush?
What's a hairbrush? Oh that thingy that ladies use to on their hair. Sori I use a comb XD

What was the last thing you paid for?
Red bull

Where were you last night?
At home lah not like I got someone to date like that........T_T erm so where do I sign up for the position of boyfriend, a lil' outdated but still stable XD

What color is your front door?
Brown like all standard fire-resistant door in any HDB unit.

Where do you keep your change?
Change? Oh in the underwear drawer....uh....not change of underwear? Change as in coins? Ooooo my bad XD

What is the weather like today?
Erm cooling wind although things get a lil' hot oh wait that's the air-condition...

What is the best ice cream flavor?
Vanilla XD .....what are you looking at? No I don't think I'm nut to like vanilla amidst all those crazy ice cream flavour....

What is something you are excited about?
I'm the most unexciting fella around...oh "about"...then it would be my newly overhauled rig XD

Do you want to cut your hair?
I dun wan to but I have to although sometime I need to....

Are you over the age of 25?
Please lah dun pour salt into the you know how painful it felt when a Sec sch girl call me Uncle at work? T_T

Do you talk a lot?
Erm if spouting nonsensical thing count as talking then yes

Do you watch The O.C.?
O.C? Officer in Charge? Now why the hell should I be watching my Coy OC when I have tonnes of things to do in camp.......why do I have this feeling I'm waaaay off the point...

Do you know anyone named Steven?
Yes...erm..why a person name Steven? Why not Tom, Dick or Harry? Why not Syen.......XD *Whistle* XD

Do you make up your own words?
hmm let see Singlish as 1st language...Do ya think I need to make my own words?

Are you typically a jealous person?
No all the time and unfortunately yes one time

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A”:
Abdul Rashid

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K”:
Kent XD

Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?

What did the last text message you received say?
Anybody want breakfast from basement......okaaaaaay the questions are starting to sound weird...

Do you chew on your straws?
Don't use straws...erm make it rarely use straws ok ok no I don't chew straws XP

Do you have curly hair?
Short straight and stubborn....nope definitely not curly

Where is the next place you’re going?
Dreamland I hope where I can meet a gorgeous lady who will.......erm......nvm o.o"

Who is the rudest person in your life?
The "wonderful" and "kind" and "sweet" patients....some of them..

What is the last thing you ate?

Is marriage in your future?
Erm the Oracle say I need to sacrifice an innocent, uncorrupted and untainted guy to the pagan gods before she can answer this question. Now can someone tell me where in the abyss can I find an innocent, uncorrupted and untainted? geez....

What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?
300. "Give them NOTHING!! But take from them EVERYTHING!!!"

Is there anyone you like right now?
Like? a lot. Love? one. Hate? .... the entire human race XD nah just kidding, only the opportunistic swines who think the world revolve around them. XD

When was the last time you did the dishes?
After dinner unless dinner is a take away from the hawker centre

Are you currently depressed?
99.9999999% okay now I know why I'm so moody this week...thought I was having PMS or something XD

Did you cry today?
No i never cry...*sob*...someone like *sob* me? *sob* So *sob* rock steady *sob* where got *sob* cry? *Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........**sniffle*

Why did you answer and post this?
*stare at Syen*

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